Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dad's Progress

Dad is finished with his second round of chemo. In some ways it was easier, but in others much harder. He didn't experience the awful reaction to the first set of chemicals but the accumulation of chemo in his body has created significantly low white blood cell counts and incredible mouth sores. Imagine your mouth is one huge raw sore. This has been going on since Monday. The Dr. said that his white count is coming up and that will help his mouth begin to heal. But he can't sleep or eat because his mouth hurts so much.

The most amazing thing is his spirit which keeps him trying to make jokes in the midst of much pain and discomfort. He wanted me to take this picture since he has no hair. He is including it in his Christmas cards to his buddies. Bruce keeps teasing him that it will come back in as a fro.
I am getting use to being the care giver and wish so much that I was better at it. He is very patient with me and teases me about being "Nurse Goodbody"( I wish). Every day brings something new and we cannot count on anything to go as planned. Planning is actually overated, I've concluded. Going with the flow is not that hard once you get use to the idea that you have no control over anything anyway. The doctors say he will get out of the hospital on Monday. I'm not planning on it, but if it happens it would be great to have him home again. He has been in the hospital for nine days this time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I have not been able to post anything about Dad's illness til now. It has been 50 days since he called and said there is a huge lump under my left arm. It seems like several years have passed and yet it is only 50 days. These two pictures show Dad at his best, goofing around with Doug and Bruce and setting the table at his house last Thanksgiving.
He has always had such a great attitude about life, he says, "it isn't a day, if there isn't a happening of some sort". He loves to talk to people. He never meets a stranger. He has made many new friends in the hospital which makes it easier.
It is so hard to believe that he is fighting for his life. I watch the other patients and their families and know that most of them will not win the struggle. Yesterday, I sat with him in the "infusion" room where people get their out-patient chemo, something that he has only done once. There were six women, most with breast cancer, most younger than 50. One woman looked about 65, she was very thin and told the nurse that she had cancer 5 years ago and thought she was cured, but here she is again. I want to reach out to them and let them know that someone sees what they are going through, but it seems to personal to mention. Isn't that bizarre?
Dad tries very hard to keep his spirits up and be cheerful. I tell him silly jokes and we read the funnies together each day. I wish he liked the computer because he could tell his story so much better than I can. He has received many, many cards and had a great birthday party last weekend. Friends came that he has partied with before and it made him feel normal for a couple of hours. He had a great time but tired out very fast. He is doing better now, eating more and walking around more. Tomorrow he may start the second round of chemo. I pray that it will not be as hard for him to bear.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

SPHS Dinner and a Date 2008

These are a couple of photos from the first theatre production this year at Doug's school. The parents and students serve dinner and then a play is performed. Here is Doug with his co-star Allie. They were one of the vinettes in the play "Almost Maine". It was a great night and we raised a lot of money for the theatre program. Spain Park High School was also awarded two National Blue Ribbon Awards last week. One from the Dept. of Education for excellence in Education and one from the Lighthouse Blue Ribbon org. Everyone is very proud.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Doug in Northern Ireland

Here are some pictures of Doug's trip to Northern Ireland. He is giving his new friend McD a hug before they leave. They had a great time together playing "football" and learning about each other's lives. The other picture is of Becca and the kids who came to the VBS. They all had a wonderful time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fish or Cut Bait

Here you see the results of our lastest fishing trip to Destin, Fl. We invited Doug's friend John and Dad's friend Sharon to join us. You will notice the HUGE black fish in the middle of the catch. That is the king marlin that I caught at the end of the trip. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time. John won the bet for catching the most fish. The two men kneeling in front are Captain Mike (on the right) and Groovey the first mate. Doug and John came home to the third day of Junior Year at Spain Park High School. Doug is doing well and is already learning lines for the first play of the year.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pepper's New Door(window)

This is for Paula. When I told her about our attempt at engineering, she wanted to see a picture. We recently got a doggie door (window) for Pepper so that if I'm not home he can go out as needed. The problem is that the window is a little high off the deck. You should have seen two accountants at Lowe's trying to figure out how to build steps. They had to be a specific height and width to work. Bruce figured it out without a pencil! Here you see the amazing results. I painted of course and also suggested the bracing pieces. Pepper is getting the hang of it, slowly. We feel better knowing that the little guy won't have to cross his legs if we're not around.

Visit with our Texas Friends

We recently had a great time when our friends from Texas, Terri, Caitlin and Jillian came to visit. The weather was hot but we managed to see the Vulcan, the Botanical gardens and our favorite spot, the farmer's market at Mt. Laurel. Thanks for driving all that way to see us and come back soon!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Doug in N. Ireland with Youth Group

Hey Friends and Families, Here is the latest from Patrick and the Northern Ireland Team, Monday – Cool sunny morning for the walk to the showers. It is the first shower since Saturday am or Friday night before they left Birmingham.
The Holiday Club went well with 35 little children showing up. The students did great and had some creative suggestions to help things run more smoothly for the next meetings.
After lunch the Team went out to the suburbs near the church with a spiritual/religious survey. The survey was to help the church gain more information in regards to people’s interest in spiritual things. The team experienced everything from doors slammed in their faces to interesting conversations about Jesus Christ. Tuesday – Still cool and sunny. The holiday club had about 40 children attend. The students seemed to be more comfortable with their roles for the club. Patrick reminded our students about the second day “lag” which had set in and challenged them to not fall prey to their feelings and to press on by the power of God.
Wednesday – Cold/Overcast/Rain Showers. Perfect weather for a ride in an open air double decker bus tour of Belfast. Holiday Club continues to go well. The student’s energy level was up and everyone was excited about the tour in Belfast. After lunch the group loaded the double decker bus with 30 visitors in attendance. It rained once but those sitting up top didn’t mind to much.

Monday, June 30, 2008


Everyone with grown children already knows this, but I had to learn it the hard way.

When teenagers start driving, life changes. Of course, I remember when I started driving and how I LOVED IT. I knew I was grown and could manage my own life, quite well thank you. But we're talking about my little boy!

Since Doug has started driving I have learned so much! Like... how do you go to sleep when your kid isn't home, it's raining and he's on the road? Like... why doesn't he consolidate his trips to save a little bit of gas? Like... the call in the middle of the night that says, "I've wrecked my car" will be the one you remember forever.

This is a picture of Doug's car after the wreck. He walked away unhurt, but it could have been so much worse. He asked me today if there was anything good that came of his accident. I said, "If it keeps you from having a wreck where you end up in the hospital or dead, then yes, there was a lot of good that came from it."

For all you parents out there, I'm sending up a prayer that your kids will get home safe, every night.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chrissie's Mom

Monday morning I went to a celebration of the life a truly gifted woman. Her name was Georgia Bishop and as her grandson-in-law sang so wonderfully, she wasn't a millionaire or famous but she was rich beyond measure because she was loved by so many. Georgia, "Mom", was my second mom growing up. Her daugther Chrissie was my best friend in high school and many, many days after school, I wound up at her house hanging around and eating wonderful food that she made for us. Chris and I would tell her about our day at school and watch her take care of the many children she babysat for working families. She had a wonderful, wicked sense of humor and would tease us about boys and trying to grow up too fast. I loved to hear her laugh at a silly joke or story that Chris would tell. Her first love was Jesus, but her second was Joe Bishop. All of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were there to honor her. It was great to see them again.

Chris has lived in Louisiana for a long time so we don't see each other much. She and her husband are very busy with their many endeavors. It was a treat to see them, even under the circumstances. I hope that we will stay in touch better in the coming years.

"Mom", I know you are keeping watch over all of us, but I hope you are busy having a blast in heaven.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Heens in WA State

We just returned from what will probably be our last Great Heen Adventure, although I'm hoping for many more. We've been taking these trips together every two years since Doug was eight years old. He has started his new job now and so many other things may interfere with future opportunities.

We flew to Seattle, spent a day on the Peninsula with our friends Norm and Kareen, went to a Mariners game, walked up and down one million hills, saw the famous Public Market and the Fish Mongers, ate lots of great seafood and got stuck in a blizzard on Mt. Ranier on June 4th. It was a delightful trip with lots of time to spend with our almost adult son. He was a great sport about being with the parental units and only spent 3-4 hours a day on his cell phone.